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Moneyball In Football Manager - Part 2 Getting Started

So, the time has come.

Football Manager 2021 is now fully release and with that i can get planning how i am going to attempt to replicate the wonders of MLB franchise Oakland Athletics, but with a twist, my attempt will be on a football field.


Getting Started

The first thing i will always do when starting any challenge type of save is decide how i want to play.

Football Manager often encourages players to pick two preferred tactical style when creating their virtual manager.

I follow a similar route. I always outline a few tactical setups i want to play, each slightly different to allow adaptability depending on the squad i start with.

So i have drawn up a handful of tactical styles i want to play with my first team, and from there i look at what i need from each role, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

There is a number of things i look at when picking who i use in these roles when i recruit but we will get to explaining that in the next post.


Tactical Styles

Obviously, we all know the 4-2-3-1, 4-3-3 and 4-2-3-1 are the dominant setups when looking at managing sides to the top. However, i like to at least try break that meta.

I also have to realise the save will start with a team that is not near the top, and most likely not even in the top divison. With that then i have to be realistic, my team wont be able to be the ultimate gegenpressing side, or capable of the silky tiki-taka we've watched for so many years. The ultimate goal is to succeed through my method of recruitment and club management. It is about a balancing act.

So, lets get into the tactical philosophy i am going to start with;

The 4-2-4 - the Full English

The first tactic i will be looking at is a relatively basic 4-2-4 setup.

This is very much the traditional English 4-4-4-2 adaptation before those fancy flicks and techniques of Europe came over in the mid 2000s. It might not be pretty but by god can it win football matches.

With a non-nonsense style defensive trio among the CB's and the GK. A slightly more traditional style full back, with less focus on attacking play and more on defensive actions.

Moving into the middle third then, a two centre-midfielder pairing. The roles of these are again, relatively no-nonsense. The deeper lying 6 will act as a sort of Ball winning sweeper, while the more advanced of the two (number 7 in the image) will be a very traditional style english midfielder. Box to box, hard tackling & able to help link defence to attack (think Scholes, Gerrard & Lampard in the early 2000s).

As for the Wingers, again sticking with the tradition, i want a pace merchant, able to beat his man, stick the ball in the box and rack up assists.

The strikers, well the hope is i will create a great pairing able to carry most of the goal scoring weight on their shoulders. So i have opted for a Target man & Poacher combination, One to get on them long balls and the other to get behind and beat the keeper.

The 5-2-3

This one provide a link between tradition and modernity.

Given that wing-backs have evolved, this tactic bares that in mind. The majority of our creative output and drive will come from our wingbacks.

To allow for this we have lost the wingers. Instead we have opted for a 3 at the back defence.

The midfield will follow tradition with a sitter and a connector style player.

Instead of our playmakers being out on the wing instead they will be tucked behind the number 9. Those who can operate in the hole between attacking midfield and out and out striker. They will provide quick passing and drift across the entire attacking third.

The striker then will be a full blown number 9. Strong, quick and able to score 25+ goals for us.

The Mirror tactic

This one will be my hopeful tactic, it is unlikely to bring me much success early on unless i happen to really perfect my recruitment.

A similar set up to our original 4-2-4, but this is much more attacking.

Again we will use the modern style of wingback and the cover this our centrebacks will sit wider while the number 6 drops between them, likely as a half back.

The attacking 'mirror' (due to the symmetry drawn between the number 8 and number 6) will consist of our number 8, he will be our most important player. Connecting defence to attack, breaking down opposition possession early, creating chances with good interplay among the attacking 4. Sort of a cross between number 8 and number 10 role.

The wide players will operate as goal-scoring playmakers, drifting in to allow overlaps from the WB's but also sometimes overloading that side, similar to how Mane & Salah operate from time to time.

The Strikers will operate as a goalscorer and a false 9 style of player, a creator and a scorer. Similarly to how we had them operate in our 4-2-4 but with slightly more style and technique.


Picking the Roles

As i said, each postion and each role has a number of statistics that i will be basing my recruitment and selection upon. KPIs, effectively replace attributes for my choice. I never look at attributes.

Other than the role specific we also look at

  • Minutes

  • Apps

  • Value

  • Wages

The key statistics for each role then are, the more important ones are bold;



  • Shots parried

  • Shots tipped

  • Shots held

  • Mistakes leading to goal

  • Clean Sheets

  • CS/90

  • Goals Conceded

  • Conceded/90


  • Aerial Challenges

  • Aerial Challenges/90

  • Headers Won/90 & Ratio

  • Interceptions/90

  • Cards/App

  • Tackles per game

    • Tackle success %

    • Mistakes Leading to Goal


  • Interceptions /90

  • Tackles/90

  • Tackle Success %

  • Pass attempts

  • Pass Completion %

  • Mistakes leading to goal

  • Distance Covered


For the deeper role

  • Tackles /90

  • Tackle %

  • Interceptions

  • Passes /90

  • Pass %

  • Fouls made

  • Cards

For the advanced role

  • Chances Created /90

  • Passes /90

  • Pass %

  • Fouls Against

  • Fouls Made

  • Dribbles /90

  • Distance Covered


  • Dribbles /90

  • Crosses Attempts /90

  • Cross Completion Ratio

  • Chances Created /90

  • Key passes /90

  • Fouls Against

  • Assists/90

  • Clear Cut Chances /90


For the Poacher

  • Shots on Target /90

  • Shots /90

  • Dribbles /90

  • Chances created /90

  • Fouls against

For the Target Man

  • Aerial Challenges /90

  • Headers won /90

  • Shots on Target /90

  • Assists /90

  • Chances Created /90



  • Shots parried

  • Shots tipped

  • Shots held

  • Mistakes leading to goal

  • Clean Sheets

  • CS/90

  • Goals Conceded

  • Conceded/90

  • Pass %


  • Aerial Challenges

  • Aerial Challenges/90

  • Headers Won/90 & Ratio

  • Interceptions/90

  • Cards/App

  • Tackles per game

    • Tackle success %

    • Mistakes Leading to Goal

    • Pass %


  • Interceptions /90

  • Tackle Success %

  • Pass attempts

  • Pass Completion %

  • Mistakes leading to goal

  • Distance Covered

  • Crosses Attempts /90

  • Cross Completion Ratio

  • Key passes /90


For the deeper role

  • Tackles /90

  • Tackle %

  • Interceptions

  • Passes /90

  • Pass %

  • Fouls made

  • Cards

For the advanced role

  • Chances Created /90

  • Passes /90

  • Pass %

  • Fouls Against

  • Fouls Made

  • Dribbles /90

  • Distance Covered


The wider two

  • Dribbles /90

  • Crosses Attempts /90

  • Cross Completion Ratio

  • Chances Created /90

  • Key passes /90

  • Fouls Against

  • Assists/90

  • Clear Cut Chances /90

  • Shots on Target /90

For the Central ST

  • Aerial Challenges /90

  • Headers won /90

  • Shots on Target /90

  • Assists /90

  • Chances Created /90

  • Shots on Target /90

  • Shots /90

  • Dribbles /90

  • Chances created /90

  • Fouls made



  • Shots parried

  • Shots tipped

  • Mistakes leading to goal

  • Clean Sheets

  • CS/90

  • Goals Conceded

  • Conceded/90

  • Pass %


  • Aerial Challenges/90

  • Headers Won/90 & Ratio

  • Interceptions/90

  • Tackles per game

    • Tackle success %

    • Mistakes Leading to Goal

    • Pass %


  • Distance Covered

  • Crosses Attempts /90

  • Cross Completion Ratio

  • Key passes /90

  • Interceptions /90


  • Interceptions/90

  • Tackles per game

    • Tackle success %

    • Pass %

    • Fouls Made


  • Dribbles /90

  • Assist /90

  • CC/90

  • Key Passes /90

  • Fouls Against

  • Pass %

  • Distance covered /90


  • Dribbles /90

  • Crosses Attempts /90

  • Cross Completion Ratio

  • Chances Created /90

  • Key passes /90

  • Fouls Against

  • Assists/90

  • Clear Cut Chances /90

  • Shots on Target /90


  • Aerial Challenges /90

  • Headers won /90

  • Shots on Target /90

  • Assists /90

  • Chances Created /90

  • Shots on Target /90

  • Shots /90

  • Dribbles /90

  • Chances created /90

  • Fouls against

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